If you want to add a bit of excitement to your five-a-day then these ingenious fruit and vegetable moulds might just be what you’re looking for.
The Fruit Mould Co, based in Suzhou, Jiangsu, eastern China are behind these unusual contraptions that mould and shape fruit and vegetables as they grow. The moulds work by being placed over the stems of the growing produce allowing the fruit and veg to slowly fill the moulds and develop into the desired shape. The result, according to owner Steven Ding is an “odd shaped niche product that can be sold for a premium price.”
The Fruit Mould Co website says: Anything that is different, unique, and out of this world has a guaranteed success in any market.
It’s not only Chinese farmers who have been enthusiastically growing and selling their odd shaped wares, the Fruit Mould Co also ships their plastic devices across the globe, so producers worldwide can grow their own novelty shaped fruit.
The company’s expanding range includes Buddha pears, star shaped cucumbers, square water melons (fyi it takes about 18 days for a watermelon to change into a square shape) and heart shaped apples with an added option of having the word love imprinted across them.
Ranging in price from £10 – £40, you can view all the company’s classic moulds on their online shop, which also includes the slightly more unusual customised pumpkin mould in the shape of Donald Trump’s head, aka the Trumpkin.